Like many of us, we have entered a new way of life and working…or “trying” to work with little ones tugging on us nonstop. I have had the past 4 days to have a lot of time to think and probably think a little too much. I have watched Fox News, my investments, 401k and freaked myself out one too many times. I have worried so much that I have decided to delete my financial apps from my phone. All while trying not to feel overwhelmed by attempting to “homeschool” my 8-year-old, limit screen time and keep her entertained.
It finally occurred to me yesterday that I had not been out of lounge/active wear/pajama-ish clothing since Sunday. Showering, of course daily, but nothing much beyond that. So I decided that was all about to change. I got up, got dressed in normal clothes, actually blow dried my hair and put on makeup. All before tromping through the woods with my 8-year-old daughter and getting sweaty and dirty. I can honestly say that it helped lift my spirits and physically “feel” better. I think we can all take some time while at home, to try a few things that can easily make you feel better. (For me, I got sick of seeing myself daily looking so homely and coach potato-ey.)
Working for a dermatologist (the best team around, who I am especially grateful for), I wanted to share a few self-care ideas that I have been practicing since being home bound.
I have started my daily routine, as I would, if I were heading to the office. To be honest, it’s actually a lot more relaxed and easy to put on makeup when you’re not wrangling a kid, who can’t find anything to wear, won’t brush her teeth and moves at sloth speed. I have been enjoying taking a little extra “me” time to put on a little makeup. I might even watch a YouTube video one day on contouring…which is horrifying to me but now I have all the time in the world.
Trust me, it’s so easy to roll out of bed and get right on the computer in your sweats. I’ve done it…A LOT lately. Instead I have been getting up and getting fully dressed (no heels or anything at all fancy) but even if that means throwing on a pair of jeans and a shirt, at least I am out of my pjs.
Time to step up this routine.
We have been working on our own little bits of graphic art. Art credit: My daughter, Maggie, Age 8
A little makeup and hair never hurt.
Another thing I have had time to do is focus on my skin. Most nights, we are beyond exhausted and blow off the facial washing or care regimen. (Yes, even I do sometimes.) But now with time and a more relaxed day, I can properly cleanse, apply all my products in order and even remember to Latisse my lashes. Staying hydrated and remembering to drink tons of water daily has also helped. Getting plenty of sleep also allows your skin to properly regenerate too. I have also gone through my piles of makeup and brushes, cleaned them all and gotten that whole mess that has piled up over the years, cleaned out and beautifully organized.
An additional positive I have turned to is this beautiful weather. It’s no longer freezing cold or 10,000 degrees out, so take some time and get outside, even if it’s a quick 15-30 minute walk outdoors. The bees are buzzing and all the spring smells are soup for the soul. With that said, always always wear sunscreen! I have actually decided to move my “workstation” outside to my patio while the weather is so nice. Sunscreen is always on deck too. My daughter can enjoy this as well, rather than piling on the couch and me working all day.
Bottom line, this pandemic can have some good come out of it. Enjoy your time at home with your family. Work on you. Get dressed up and have a good meal in your dining room you never use. Take care of yourself, physically and mentally. We will overcome this together. Keep up your self-care routine and you will be surprised how good it can make you feel. I had a chuckle to myself this morning… I even pulled out the Crest Whitening Strips.